014 - The Shoulders of Giants - Top 10 Must Read Books With John Ndege

014 - The Shoulders of Giants - Top 10 Must Read Books With John Ndege

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by fellow prolific reader, John Ndege.

Tune in as they discuss the books YOU need to be reading.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • What insights are to be gained from books like these?
  • Discussion around different authors' attitudes to wealth creation
  • Andy & Johns #1 book recommendation
  • 10+ incredible reads for you to take away

013 - Pete Matthew interviews The Maven Adviser

013 - Pete Matthew interviews The Maven Adviser

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… the tables are turned and the Maven Adviser is interviewed by Pete Matthew, host of The Meaningful Money Podcast.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • How Andy's firm, Maven Adviser, came about
  • What is a perfect financial planning process?
  • Financial advice vs financial planning
  • Fascinating insights from these two industry experts!

012 - Good debt, bad debt - what you need to know about mortgages

012 - Good debt, bad debt - what you need to know about mortgages

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart covers a broad range of questions, queries, and concerns regarding mortgages. 

Learn the tricks and avoid the pitfalls in this insightful episode.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • What is good debt vs bad debt?
  • The different types of mortgages
  • What do mortgages lenders look at when considering an applicant / property?
  • Build your understanding on mortgages from the ground up

011 - An Introduction to Capitalism (The Stock Market)

011 - An Introduction to Capitalism (The Stock Market)

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart dives into the huge topic of the stock market.

Andy guides you through what you need to know, and what you don't, with supporting resources for you to check out yourself.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Extracting the crucial elements of the stock market
  • Should you listen to market commentary?
  • Identifying the difference between the short, medium, and long term
  • Build a foundation of understanding on the stock market and why it matters

010 - To Sell or Not To Sell (Your Business)

010 - To Sell or Not To Sell (Your Business)

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart outlines how lucrative Entrepreneurs' relief can be and why you should know about it.

Andy discusses the history of the relief and how it could apply to you.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • What is entrepreneurs' relief?
  • How can you take advantage of it?
  • Do your business assets qualify?
  • High level take aways on this lucrative subject

009 - Human Insurance

009 - Human Insurance

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart gives a high level overview of the key elements of human insurance.

Although it's not the sexiest subject... these are absolutely things you need to know.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • How and when to set up insurance.
  • The three main types of human insurance.
  • Simplifying the complex key points around insurance, step by step.
  • What is income protection and why do you need it?

008 - John Ndege: Interview - Pocket Risk

008 - John Ndege: Interview - Pocket Risk

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart interviews John Ndege from Pocket Risk.

Andy and John cover a wide range of fascinating topics in this great interview.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • What is your goal when building a financial plan?
  • What role does risk play in achieving that goal?
  • How to stay on track and stick to the plan.
  • John's biggest take away from Pocket Risk.

007 - Income Streams

007 - Income Streams

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart explains the different types of income streams and why they are important.

This episode outlines the income streams you can receive, tax conditions on these, and explains the perfect setup to increase your wealth.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • What are the income streams you should be aware of?
  • Understand the tax implications of different types of income
  • Learn about breakout income
  • Set up your income streams to maximise your wealth and happiness

006 - Saving, Investing, Speculating

006 - Saving, Investing, Speculating

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart discusses the key difference between these three commonly intertwined terms.

This episode outlines what it means to be saving, investing, or speculating and importance of distinguishing between these.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Why you should care about an emergency fund?
  • When should you be saving, investing, or speculating?
  • Understanding volatility and why it is important
  • How to deal with and prepare for the unknowns

005 - Life Stages

005 - Life Stages

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart helps you understand where you are in your financial journey.

Get your financial house in order with Andy’s top take aways.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • The three life stages you should be aware of
  • Which stage are you at on your journey?
  • How can you get to the stage you want to be at?
  • What goals should you be working towards at different stages of your wealth creation

004 - Asset Classes

004 - Asset Classes

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart introduces asset classes by breaking through the jargon in a clear and concise way.

Listen to Andy share some key tactics and take aways regarding asset classes.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • What are the 4 key asset classes you should know about?
  • Which of these asset classes is the long term king?
  • Are there any classes you should be avoiding?
  • What is the best balance of classes for you?

003 - How to set up your bank accounts

003 - How to set up your bank accounts

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart outlines the optimal way to set up your bank accounts.

Are your accounts set up in the clearest way to help you stay on top of your finances?

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Why does it matter how your accounts are set up?
  • What are the dangers of incorrectly structured accounts?
  • Strategies for keeping on top of your balances
  • Personal account aggregation apps overview

002 - The 10 Financial Commandments

002 - The 10 Financial Commandments

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart discusses the 10 financial commandments that you should be abiding by!

Andy covers a wide range of topics that will form the foundation to successful wealth creation.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • The ultimate stock market top tip
  • Is there such a thing as a free lunch when it comes to wealth creation?
  • Where do long term returns come from?
  • What should your long term attitude to wealth creation be?

001 - Financial Planning

001 - Financial Planning

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart simplifies financial planning and goes over the key elements you should be aware of.

Andy shares his high level way of thinking about financial planning, and how to build a plan either yourself or in consultation with a professional.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • The three key elements you should be considering with a financial plan
  • How to think of your financial plan as a fluid journey, not a rigid destination
  • Understanding your different income flows, assets, liabilities
  • The most important steps to creating your own financial plan

Maven Money Podcast: Intro

Maven Money Podcast: Intro

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy Hart introduces the show and discusses his background, areas of expertise, and the many great things you can expect from this podcast series in weeks to come. 

How should I set up my bank accounts? What is the one secret to successful investing? Can I benefit from entrepreneurs relief? These are all questions we’ll be diving into throughout the series.