
060 - Michael Vogiatzis - Foxy Monkey

060 - Michael Vogiatzis - Foxy Monkey

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy speaks with Michael Vogiatzis from Foxy Money. They have a wide ranging conversation on a whole host of fascinating topics. Don't miss out.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • How close are you to your financial independence day?

  • Controlling your income through diversification.

  • Coding and the key skills of the future.

  • The benefits of life hacking.

058 - 30 Cognitive Biases - The Real Battle Part 2

058 - 30 Cognitive Biases - The Real Battle Part 2

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy discusses biases 16 - 30 in part two of cognitive biases. Understand and rid yourself of your destructive behaviours.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • A recap - investor behaviour vs investment performance.

  • Paralysis by analysis and many other harmful attitudes.

  • The challenges we humans face when making decisions.

  • Cognitive Biases 16 - 30.

057 - 30 Cognitive Biases - The Real Battle Part 1

057 - 30 Cognitive Biases - The Real Battle Part 1

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy discusses the "brain shortcuts" that are cognitive biases. How do you spot them? What do you do once you have? Tune in to find out.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Answering listener questions - your chance to get in touch!

  • The irony behind wisdom.

  • Knowing your biases - the three stages of learning.

  • Cognitive Biases 1 - 15

056 - How Much Are You Investing?

056 - How Much Are You Investing?

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy tackles the big question. Just how much should you be investing? Is there a one size fits all answer? Tune in to find out.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Summary of Andy's recent conference in Dublin.

  • Saving vs Investing - know the difference.

  • Is there a universal ideal % investment?

  • Where should you allocate the capital you are investing?

055 - Couples & Money

055 - Couples & Money

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by co-host, Nina O'Neal, a financial adviser in the US. Tune in to their wide ranging discussion on the role of relationships in finance.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • How to structure your bank accounts when in a relationship.

  • Communicating effectively with your partner about finances.

  • How does your relationship impact your credit rating?

  • Female breadwinners and how gender stereotypes have shifted over time. 

053 - Sarah Fallaw from Datapoints

053 - Sarah Fallaw from Datapoints

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by Sarah Fallaw, the president of Datapoints. Enjoy the discussion around some fascinating research.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • The psychology behind risk.

  • Surrounding yourself with the right people.

  • What does the research say about behavioural finance?

  • "Shoves" coming to a book store near you... maybe.

052 - Iona Bain The Young Money Blog

052 - Iona Bain The Young Money Blog

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by Iona Bain, founder of the young money blog. Tune in for a wide ranging conversation on next generation thinking in the financial world.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Is financial education worthwhile?

  • How has the consumer landscape changed over generations?

  • Social media and social privacy.

  • Unravelling the top concerns of the younger generations.

051 - Abraham Okusanya - Beyond The 4% Rule: The science of retirement portfolios that last a lifetime

051 - Abraham Okusanya - Beyond The 4% Rule: The science of retirement portfolios that last a lifetime

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by repeat co-host, Abraham Okusanya. Together they discuss the topics surrounding Abraham's new book - Beyond the 4% Rule: The Science of retirement portfolios that last a lifetime.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Respecting longevity in your retirement plans.
  • Defend against the thief that keeps on taking.
  • Understanding your spending patterns during retirement.
  • A brief and wise interjection from Grand Master Yoda.

050 - Fitness & Your Finances with Rob Caplan

050 - Fitness & Your Finances with Rob Caplan

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… join us for a special 50th episode! Andy is joined by Rob Caplan where they discuss fitness, finance, and similarities between the two.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Interview with Rob Caplan from First Wealth.
  • Common ground between two seemingly disparate worlds.
  • Andy's first TRX experience.
  • Special cameo by a ham and cheese omelette.

049 - Financial Adviser Fees

049 - Financial Adviser Fees

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy talks you through the fees you can expect from a financial adviser.

Make sure you understand what you are paying for and how to spot "red flags" in fee agreements.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Asking and answering "expensive questions".
  • Understanding fees as an investment, not a cost.
  • Is there such a thing as a universal "fair fee"?
  • Spotting and avoiding red flags.

048 - Real Life Financial Mistakes

048 - Real Life Financial Mistakes

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy discusses the most commonly seen, real life, financial mistakes. Tune in to make sure you avoid common pitfalls. 

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Saving money on your mortgage without switching lenders.
  • The importance of investing in yourself.
  • Why perfection is a pointless pursuit.
  • Making your asset classes work for you.

047 - Investment Lifeboat Drills

047 - Investment Lifeboat Drills

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy goes nautical and discusses the safeguards you should have in place with your investments and finances. 

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • The four types of investors
  • What is the admission price to long term wealth?
  • The antidote to the four most dangerous words.
  • The role of temporary declining markets in investment.

046 - 10 Things The Media Never Say with Sean Banks

046 - 10 Things The Media Never Say with Sean Banks

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by co-host, Sean Banks. They discuss habits of the media, the role it plays on society, and much more.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Viewing media as entertainment.
  • Does the stock market = the economy?
  • The psychology of good news vs bad news.
  • Maintaining perspective when consuming media.

045 - Sam Diamond - ClearScore

045 - Sam Diamond - ClearScore

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by Marketing Manager at ClearScore, Sam Diamond. Make sure you know what does & doesn't impact your score!

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • What is a credit score and why should you care?
  • Common credit myths busted. 
  • Credit hacks to boost your rating.
  • How rating systems have changed over the years. 

044 - Breakout Income with John Ndege

044 - Breakout Income with John Ndege

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by repeat co-host, John Ndege. They discuss in more detail a concept coined back in episode 007... breakout income.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • A brief recap on what breakout income is.
  • Should your main focus be on your income or your expenses?
  • Should you join the extreme frugality movement? 
  • A brief but crucial tangent on Andy's distain for Tesco sandwiches.

043 - What Great Financial Advice Can Do & Can't Do

043 - What Great Financial Advice Can Do & Can't Do

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy discusses the role of a financial adviser and busts some common misconceptions on the value that they can / can't add.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • The differences between great advisers and average advisers.
  • Myth busting - predictions are pointless!
  • Why great advisers put their money where their mouth is.
  • Be clear on the value an IFA can bring.

042 - Six Strengths of Great Advisers That Clients May Perceive as Weaknesses

042 - Six Strengths of Great Advisers That Clients May Perceive as Weaknesses

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy discusses what makes a great adviser, and why their attributes can sometimes be mistaken for weaknesses.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Why is money like a bar of soap?
  • Confusing a lack of concern with a lack of competency.
  • Prioritising the past, present, and future.
  • The power of humility.

041 - Nick Lincoln Interview

041 - Nick Lincoln Interview

In this episode of the Maven Money Personal Finance Podcast… Andy is joined by Nick Lincoln, fellow Financial Adviser and founder of Values to Vision.

Quick Preview of the Podcast:

  • Topical discussion on the media and the state of the markets.
  • Riding out short term volatility.
  • Common mistakes and investing without a plan. 
  • What swans and financial advisers have in common...